Monday, December 24, 2012

Hints of a Front Coming Through

I collected my brother from the airport and on our wandering way home we went to St Kilda pier. Above were these bands of clouds marking an incoming front.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Something I wrote a while ago

These things were written awhile ago and when I look back they still seem ok.

wafts around me
it's trying to descend
to land on me
crush me to dust

God I know you're here pervading everything, holding everything
and yet
I live in faith - holding on
a sort of contingent surety
I live in Paradox
I know and yet don't
faithfulness withers around
people fall away
despair tempts
and yet I know
you are
just are
eternal love & compassion
the unwavering
of creation
bearing all
making all

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Leaf Silhouetes

Atalanta's car parked under a tree with accidental silhouettes.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Children's Nativity painting begins

This evening was the years end of Jaffas, the afterschool primary age club. We finished with a sausage sizzle and the beginnings of painting a nativity to put in front of the Church. My inspiration for the design was Giotto originally, but as you can see there's not much Giotto in this, in fact none. I love the way  that things become what they will be.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sunday with painting

Both of these paintings have been hanging around for quite a while because I could see no obvious way forward. On Sunday I got them out and played. I think they're better. Probably finished. They feel at the moment like they've reached stasis.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

From an unresolved painting

 The elements are fine, but how to get them to relate together.

Just lovely.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

At Mt. Dandenong

Last Monday we went to Ringwood to visit Athena's mum in her new place. After that we drove up to Mt. Dandenong, to which neither of us had been for many years. Late Spring and the weather was delightful. The winding roads and trees gave an arcadian sense of the world. The view towards Port Philip Bay. After this, relying on the sat/nav we wound through the ranges to the freeway and then home.

Edward Hunter Reserve

A walk through Edward Hunter Reserve on a balmy summers day.