Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

At the beach

Yesterday we were in Melbourne and it was hot so we went to the beach. It is lovely feeling the salt water on my skin.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Sad Looking Lemon Tree

Our lemon tree is feeling the stress of the long dry. I've given it water, but it still looks distressed. My attention was caught by the rough circle of lemons around its base.

Munjara this weekend

Lake Glenmaggie  
I like the tall grasses scattered through the bush.

This weekend I spent away at Camp Munjara next to Lake Glenmaggie for a Cursillo training weekend. As you can see from the photos it is dry and the lake is fulfilling its purpose providing irrigation water. To the north and west of the lake there have been bushfires, but couldn't really see any of it from the lake shore.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


I thought that I'd see about finding something interesting with a camera when I was facing boredom waiting for Athena to come back from meeting someone.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Aerowen and Adomo

 Beginnings of Aerowen. The next step is the obfuscation of these shapes with white even though I like what I see. 

Adomo has been waiting or a long time for any movement. All I can see is more white and colour and then obfuscation despite a certain amount of delight in the hope of delight.

Aeris, getting there.

Still a bit more to go I think.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The yellow hills

The hills have really dried out. We've had no real rain since November. It has been enjoyable being able to get around barefoot.

Friday, February 1, 2013


Aeris in a state of waiting. Has enough been done? Probably not, but for the moment I'm happy. It's busy yet it stands still waiting for the next tremor. 

Edward Hunter Reserve

A walk through Edward Hunter Reserve on a balmy summers day.