Sunday, August 25, 2013

Agapito begun

After Friday's playing with the water colour, yesterday I really wanted to apply some of the things that I felt about those paintings in egg tempera. So on Saturday I got this done on Agapito. I am on a little high each time I look at it. No doubt it will suggest things to me that may or may not be  felicitatious, but it has a life that is vibrant - sings to me. So for the moment I feel delight.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Minding the Arts Hub

I rode to the Arts Hub  in wind and rain; nearly blown off the road. 6 hours of minding, therefore I brought dads old water colour set and a sketch pad to have some playing. I found the water colour delightful.

Monday, August 19, 2013


Wildlife seen at Tullycavan has been interesting. In the early morning sunshine two sleek kookaburras sitting on fence posts. Later while stoking a fire, a wallaby hops out of the bracken and away. Three moorhens emerge from the bracken and eat their way across the grass.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

An increment on Agapi

An increment of Agapi. Now I need to get the ground to behave; with more colour tweaking. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I was thinking about what I wanted to paint and my thoughts drifted to Richard Diebenkorn whose Ocean Park paintings were the ones that had attracted me to abstract painting. His inspiration has always been somewhere within my painting. I've often been trying to find a way to what I find delightful in his work and of applying it in a way that satisfies me. Agapi is a fresh step in that direction and this evening it looks and feels hopeful.

More Fire

We've been at Tullycavan and burned a pile of trees. Fire has such a seductive pleasure. I had to leave it to its own devices when cold showers came through. Now the huge pile has been reduced.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

More of Aeysha and ?

 Still searching for delight within Aeysha. I'm getting closer.

Very dilute light red to warm the ground.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Afifa and Aeysha

Today I spent the day in the studio. Fortunately I'm happy with where each of the paintings is at the moment.

A bit more work on Aeysha and Afifa

 Still working through this Aeysha. I'm reasonably hopeful.

Don't know where this will go.

Edward Hunter Reserve

A walk through Edward Hunter Reserve on a balmy summers day.