Monday, October 28, 2013


Today we were at Tullycavan labouring to rebuild a retaining wall. As I barrowed soil to a pile I glanced at the waratah and though it has passed its best, its elegance amongst the foliage is still bright. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Names for the Sea

I just enjoyed Names for the Sea by Sarah Moss. The book brought up so much stuff about cultural expectation and differences set in a landscape and environment that is itself a striking difference. She brings an enjoyment, curiosity and openness to the task of living with her family in another culture and teaching there. As she digs deeper into the history and culture to grow her understanding my appreciation of Iceland was enlarged and enriched. A really good book.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

A delight in stencils

 'To the studio today after some time in the garden. The thought captures my mind that asymmetric stencils have worked for me, perhaps other sorts will help as well and so I begin to cut and to paint. For the moment delight tickles my heart, but I can see more to do.

It's a lovely feeling

Yesterday I took myself back to painting. The under-painting was made using up paint that I'd mixed up for another painting. So I placed my shapes and worked on the colour. I had a feeling comfort to be dealing with decisions that have such potential to lead me to delight.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Just Finished Reading

I've just finished reading this book by Michael Katakis. There is something about the timbre of the writing that appeals to me. A certain sadness about the world as we live in it, but a delight at being alive. For me a sadness about a life that seems to meander around without a spiritual centre to place any hope in. For myself Jesus sacrificial self giving love provides a focus and a hope that the quotidian is much more than it seems at first glance. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Edward Hunter Reserve

A walk through Edward Hunter Reserve on a balmy summers day.