Friday, November 18, 2011

A Mosaic of stuff

A few things have happened recently. I've been ripping old LP's to the computer. It has been a trip down memory lane. Some forgotten things from the past have been resurrected. I've really enjoyed hearing again the work of the Zombies, Larry Norman, Golden Earring, Bruce Cockburn and Woody Allen.
I love the jazz influence of their own work and the covers that they did. I think that they are completely underrated.

As challenging and poignant as ever.

I don't know how well known they are apart from Radar Love, but powerful, if often dark songs that a friends Dutch cousins introduced me to.

Woody Allen was one of the first film directors that 'I followed'. Beginning with Annie Hall and dribbling into silence with the arrival of our children some time around Hannah and Her Sisters. I remember by horror watching Manhattan and the characters self centredness destroying the relationships they loved. My Sister bought this back in the '70s and it's a treasure.

Larry Norman as biting as ever in his questioning of complacency.

A 'drawing' done on box board. Small and 'playful'. I sized the box board with rabbit skin glue and then put another surface of egg tempera and whiting on it. The image is done in ink and albumin tempera.

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Edward Hunter Reserve

A walk through Edward Hunter Reserve on a balmy summers day.