Saturday, September 8, 2012

Tullycavan in the rain after high winds

We've had 3 days of high winds, including stormforce and gale, in Gippsland. So today I drove up to Tullycavan because I expected trees down over fences and was not disappointed. On the drive up there were trees down and cut up along the roads most of the way. Time was spent with the chainsaw cutting up trees with the usual fears of getting jammed in the cut. In the end it happened. Trudge back to the car to get the jack  to move the tree trunk enough to release the chainsaw. The photo is taken on the way out of the gully. I was sheltering under trees as a shower passed over. My mind jumped back to my childhood when I'd be out with my father on the farm working and a shower would come through. We'd race for a shelter belt and stand there talking until the rain had passed or eased enough to get back to work.

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Edward Hunter Reserve

A walk through Edward Hunter Reserve on a balmy summers day.