Sunday, August 29, 2010

I'm finding it hard to know what to write

Life goes on in its quotidian way, but I need to say something.
Today I went to an opening in Meeniyan of Andrew Southall's prints and monoprints from his work from Umbria 2009. The work was there standing on its own. In the sense that it asserted its persona, which is what I think the work should do. A couple of the prints I found quite attractive. I got a ride across the hills to Meeniyan with Judy. The hills are looking strikingly green and soggy at the moment. It is a joy to have the rain after 14 dry winters. It does bring back the need for gum boots and raincoats. Low ground has water lying on it. I hardly dare hope that the weather has turned around, but there is reassurance in something of old reasserting itself. Coming back when I thought it had gone forever.

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