Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas Day at Blue Rock Dam

 Christmas Day was hot and after our family got together for lunch those of us left went to Blue Rock Dam for a swim. 

After a picnic tea we went for a walk along the walking track to Willow Grove and here is something we saw. A small Tiger Snake. We walked around it, giving a wide berth. They are beautiful though.

Friday, December 25, 2015


At the 'Midnight Service'. Peace, love and joy to the world.


An idea mostly executed to my satisfaction. Still more tweaking to go.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday, December 11, 2015

A Melbourne Interlude

I'm not long back from a 'clergy spouse conference' in Melbourne. I went and stayed with our son so that I could have some time to look at art, talk, search out a few art materials, and think, ponder and meditate. I did all these things. This is what I drew on the train back to his place one day while I was avoiding reading the novel I'm reading because of impending violence. As usual once beginning the drawing I was drawn in. Creation wants to out. I found it surprisingly dislocating being away from home by myself at this time. I felt an affinity with Greta Garbo's later response to the world. Now I'm back in the familiar and feeling more 'normal' , but wondering.

The End of the Carnival

Athena and the Youth Group sold fairy floss at the local Mardi Gras. I came at the end to help pack up.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Hydrangea that is just lovely

In Yarragon at St Marks along the south side of the hall are hydrangeas. I think they came unpruned through the winter. I poked my head around the corner and was amazed by the loveliness I saw.

Edward Hunter Reserve

A walk through Edward Hunter Reserve on a balmy summers day.